Priceless Parenting Class Lessons for Ages 6 to 12

Use the links on this page to access each lesson. When you've completed all the lessons, click the Final link below Lesson 11.

Raising Your Children
Understanding the developmental milestones for ages 6 to 12. Finding parenting approaches that work best with your grade schoolers. Building the family life you want - integrating what worked well in how your parents raised you and changing the things you didn't like.

Controlling Your Reaction
Understanding what's going on in your children's brains when they are stressed out. Helping your child calm down and learn emotional regulation. Wording requests to your children positively rather than negatively.

Learning From Experience
Helping your children learn from their experiences including their mistakes. Protecting your children. Guiding your children in working through school problems. Dealing with homework and report cards.

Guiding Their Behavior
Providing enough guidance without trying to control too much. Setting appropriate limits around TV, computers and video games. Protecting them from sexual abuse and porn. Guiding your kids through solving difficult problems. Discussing friendship issues and sexuality.

Handling Inappropriate Behavior
Understanding the difference between punishment and discipline. Finding effective ways to handle problems like sibling rivalry, complaining, not listening and disrespectful behavior.

Learning To Make Decisions
Guiding your children in thinking through their decisions. Responding to your children lying. Giving your kids an allowance and control in deciding how they can spend the money.

Avoiding Power Struggles
Reacting to your children's misbehavior in ways that are ultimately helpful not hurtful. Avoiding arguments and power struggles. Handling situation when your children try to negotiate everything with you.

Choosing Consequences
Determining reasonable, valuable consequences for misbehavior. Allowing your children to experience natural consequences. Helping your children learn from their mistakes.

Initiating Problem Solving
Finding solutions to ongoing problem behaviors. Helping your children see a situation from someone else's perspective. Listening to your children in a way that makes them feel heard. Using family meetings to address problems and improve situations.

Doing Chores
Deciding on chores and tracking their completion. Finding appropriate chores for this age group. Understanding the difference between chores and personal tasks.

Parenting Your Best
Paying attention to your children's good behavior. Recovering from situations where you haven't parented your best. Sharing the parenting role. Having more fun and less stress with your children.

Feedback and Request a Certificate of Completion
Provide your feedback on the class, answer a few questions and then receive your Certificate of Completion.

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