Priceless Parenting Toddler, Preschooler Class - Ages 0 to 5

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Let's be real: parenting is hard. And it doesn't matter if you're a first-time parent of a toddler, or a seasoned parent with four kids — every child is different, and every day is different.

You love your children. You work hard to provide them healthy food and a happy home. You try to teach them right from wrong. You know you need to set limits on inappropriate behavior.

You have all the right ingredients and yet sometimes your interactions with your kids don’t live up to your expectations. There’s too much yelling and stress – not enough fun and enjoyment. When you’re in the middle of it all, it’s hard to figure out what needs to change so there’s less conflict and more cooperation.

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with parenting? Are you unsure of how to handle your child's tantrums, biting, whining, or picky eating? Do you want to learn how to discipline without yelling or hitting?

Sign up for the Priceless Parenting Toddler, Preschooler Class for Ages 0 to 5 (cost is $89) and start today.

What You'll Receive:

  • 11 self-paced parenting lessons which take about 8 hours to complete
  • 3 months unlimited access (you can request more time if needed)
  • Permission to share course with spouse or partner
  • Invitation to attend optional monthly group coaching session for 3 months via Zoom with parenting expert, Kathy Slattengren, M.Ed.
  • Invitation to join private Facebook group for parenting support
  • Certificate of Completion for an 8-hour class upon finishing the course and filling out a questionnaire
You can learn right at your computer, in your sweats, while the kids are asleep. The class covers everything from understanding child development during the first 5 years, to how to discipline without yelling.

What does this parenting class cover?

This class will help you fine tune your approach to bring out the best in your kids. Priceless Parenting classes are grounded on decades of positive parenting experiences from real life situations and backed by the latest scientific research in child development. You'll find answers to questions like:

  • “How should I respond when my child throws a tantrum?”

  • "My child has started saying 'No!' whenever I ask her to do something. Now what do I do?"

  • “How can I get my kids to bed without a battle?”

  • "My child's whining is driving me nuts! What can I do to stop it?"

  • “What should I be doing to keep my children safe?”

  • "My daughter has started hitting me. I don't want to hit her back. What else can I do to teach her not to hit?"
You'll hear real life parenting problems and learn ways to solve those problems. Since one approach won't work for every child, you'll learn multiple ways to handle situations.

What topics are covered each parenting lesson?

Below are some of the things you will learn in each of the 11 parenting lessons.

Lesson 1: Raising Your Children
check mark Identifying positive parenting approaches that work well
check mark Creating a harmonious family life
check mark Handling challenging behavior

Lesson 2: Meeting Your Children’s Needs
check mark Understanding developmental milestones from 3 months to 5-years-old
check mark Responding to crying and tantrums
check mark Implementing digital media recommendations for young children

Lesson 3: Learning From Experience
check mark Setting effective limits when your child misbehaves
check mark Helping your children learn to share
check mark Teaching your children basic manners

Lesson 4: Handling Inappropriate Behavior
check mark Protecting your children from serious mistakes
check mark Responding to your children's misbehavior with empathy instead of anger
check mark Relying on discipline rather than punishment

Lesson 5: Controlling Your Reaction
check mark Understanding what's going on in your children's brains when they are throwing a tantrum
check mark Helping your child develop emotional regulation
check mark Wording requests to your children positively rather than negatively

Lesson 6: Guiding Their Behavior
check mark Using choices to guide your children's behavior
check mark Determining appropriate control to give your young children
check mark Setting expectations for behavior

Lesson 7: Protecting Your Children
check mark Protecting your kids from common hazardous situations
check mark Following safe sleeping guidelines
check mark Teaching your kids about appropriate touch

Lesson 8: Avoiding Power Struggles
check mark Responding to misbehavior without resorting to yelling and hitting
check mark Avoiding arguments with your children
check mark Handling situations where your child is lying

Lesson 9: Choosing Consequences
check mark Finding reasonable, valuable consequences for children's misbehavior
check mark Using consequences that help your children learn from their mistakes
check mark Responding to chronic behavior problems

Lesson 10: Doing Chores
check mark Starting age appropriate chores with young children
check mark Understanding the difference between chores and personal tasks
check mark Deciding when to begin an allowance

Lesson 11: Parenting Your Best
check mark Recovering from difficult parenting situations
check mark Paying attention to your children's good behavior
check mark Having more fun and less stress with your children

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We love hearing from the people who have taken this parenting class! Here is what some of them have said ...

5 gold stars "Program was absolutely fabulous! As a father raising a 2 year old daughter, the parenting lessons were invaluable. Thank you so much for putting such a useful program together." - Barry A Schneer, Twentynine Palms, CA

5 gold stars "This class was so amazing! I really enjoyed all the lessons provided. It has helped me tremendously with my 3 years old daughter. She listens so much more and loves all the choices she gets to make." - Melissa Totoro, Penn Valley, PA

5 gold stars "I took this class to learn how to properly parent my daughter, she is only 6 months old. I learned important information about her development. I can't wait to use these methods of positive reinforcement to have a healthy parent-child relationship with her." - Lori Rosal, Yakima, WA

5 gold stars "This course put together by Priceless Parenting has been an absolute eye opener on how to approach parenting, especially for new parents. I think any parent new or experienced would benefit from the this course in so many ways. I feel confident as a new father that I have the tools to help my son as he grows. Thank you for this amazing program." - Mauricio Padilla, Marysville, WA

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(more parent feedback)

When can I start this parenting class? How long does the class take?

You can start the parenting class immediately. Each lesson covers a few key parenting concepts using narrated slides. Some lessons also include videos. You are in control of advancing through the slides so you can stop at any point and return at a later time.

You can go through all the lessons in about 8 hours. Do it in a day or spread it over your three months of access. Go through quickly or slowly, repeat a lesson - it's all up to you!

You’ll hear stories from real parents demonstrating how to use these techniques. You’ll see pictures of kids misbehaving and discover solutions for successfully handling these situations. You’ll increase your own skills by practicing while doing each lesson’s homework.

Find out what the class is like by watching this 4 minute video explaining this parenting class for ages 0 - 5.

Can this course by taken on an iPad or smart phone?

Yes! Any device that has a browser will work.

Is there a certificate of completion after finishing the parenting class?

Yes, you will receive a parenting class certificate of completion after completing the class. You'll need to answer a few questions about the class and then a certificate of completion can be printed.

You read more about how these classes fulfill different requirements:

If you want to feel respected and under control as a parent, then this parenting class is for you. It will give you the tools for parenting in a way that fosters honesty, kindness, responsibility and self-discipline in your children. Imagine having a peaceful home where your children are cooperative and pleasant. Start making this a reality today!

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